The holidays are approaching — here’s how you can help local families in need!
As the holiday season draws near, we are seeing an increasing number of families who need support. There are several ways you can make a difference.
Holiday Dinner Boxes
Help provide a full Thanksgiving or Christmas meal to a family in need. In November and December, we give a turkey and a Holiday dinner box to each of our families enrolled in Food Pantry. The dinner box comes from schools and churches. If you are interested in providing a dinner box, more details are found here:
If you would like to donate money for the purchase of turkeys, money or GIANT gift cards can be donated to Friend, Inc. We can then purchase turkeys at a discount to hand out to the clients.
Christmas Cheer (Sponsor a Child)
At Christmastime, we provide gifts for children of our clients. Any groups or individuals wanting to provide gifts, may do so by contacting us and requesting a certain number of children. We will send you a label for each child with their sizes and interests.
Christmas Online Auction
Don’t forget our Christmas Online Auction, happening from November 27 – 30, 2024. Be sure to visit our auction page and bid on some wonderful items to support our work!